At present we are immersed in a highly demanding and competitive, which requires both current and new professionals stay current in each of their areas, keeping interdisciplinary approach of those involved in their field of expertise, whether technical or administrative.
For these reasons arise in 2008 the "1st National Congress of Chemical Engineering and Engineering Environment "today is given below in this effort by integrating a curriculum more in Food Engineering, offering the" 2nd National Conference on Engineering, Innovation and Technology. Chemistry - Environmental - Food. "
The event will be filled with the vast experience of those who have already developed "in the professional field" or that have sought solutions through research, equally responsible for organizing these efforts to provide social and business responses.
Mission: Provide
academic quality show that provides skills, attitudes and values \u200b\u200bin order to achieve a competitive level, through conferences and workshops, providing expertise to enable linkage with the productive sectors, social and service engineers so that as we get participation in solving problems and the approach alternatives that promote sustainable development.
Vision: Consolidate
this conference as the most representative event in the country, in the careers of Chemical, Environmental and Food, being recognized for the quality of their activities and participation and national speakers international in each of the areas; in order to meet expectations and professional needs demanded by society.

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