"Nothing is more material, more corporeal than the exercise of power ..." Michael Foucault

recent years has increased the need for a real and effective output to theme children / youth in relation to criminal experiences. Viable age of accountability has become the leading cause of sorrow to those who have to legislate and also for those who require immediate solutions from different areas ... (and effective).
However, I think we are forgetting also the leading role of society ... (in the cause and effect) ... And we're not
involving the true and deep root of this painful reality.
often involves greater criminalization garantismo towards a poor, uneven, mediocre. In short, very unhappy words, it would be like hiding the problems under the rug.
Not to mention that most violent crime, the more obvious and less punishment is coming from above. Of course this in no way justifies a greater permissiveness to bottom: should level pa 'above. The issue is that everything feeds (corrupt politicians, corrupt judges, corrupt police, corrupt businessmen, who rob giles, evaders and consumers parts Warnes, etc.).
I totally agree with each of these words, as Foucault himself addressed the issue with maximum depth in his book Discipline and Punish. "
Each time was managing the experience of human beings in relation to economic systems and the reigning power. Work, education, health, systems of social inclusion (or exclusion ...), the forms of penalty and punishment, immigration policies and fertility. Thinkers that marked a milestone in the study and a new vision of these issues have been Deleuze, Guattari and Foucault.
From this philosophical standpoint and social Foucault expressed as arises in the spirit of an era the idea of \u200b\u200b"punishment to replace the punishment " ... expresses himself on the subject: " How far will combine the power and what that punishes humanity? ... "
The issue is how to leave intact the " Humanity" of Being, to which she is the one that highlight the limit set for revenge. ...
How far can the power to punish a man ?....- So that does not undermine their humanity. ...
And certainly many readers will say, that the person who needs such a penalty has been attacking other humanity, but I wonder, can cure violence with more violence? Can we pass and enforce the value of life to a being that has been undermined and violated since the beginning of its existence? Did in our country the criminal justice system falls short of the circumstances? Is it the best option for attempting to change the problem?
... I also wonder
a child " born criminal? ...
What brings us every day to be more and more unscrupulous with the pain of others? ...
How can we create a socialist action through the social fabric? ...
Why do we allow any kind of violence camouflaged holster from estates of powerful spells with white gloves ...?
Questions ... ..
are just questions ...
Nothing but questions ... ...
Until next time ... Utopian
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