Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Portessalaspeter Lang

Dance: middle and end of new forms of expression and transformation of our social identity. Polemic

by Laura B.

"Assume that every body has infinite forms of expression of his being otherwise is to admit that there is a body language."

Each man, every body has both its interior and externally infinite ways to communicate, to create language to express his being. This "body language" aided or not a word, we can compose both individual and common forms of identity and identity as men, as a collective.
Speaking of identity allows us to dive into issues such as construction and forms of expression in which we find what we are, do and say to others.
Taking these ideas a priori allows us to start thinking: The dance not only as one of the social forms of expressing the culture of a people, carrying a common language (shared); but, and here the most interesting, Dance as a potential vehicle for social transformation capable of revolutionizing the ways in which men are able to express ourselves in the world, and as such, able to create links, links they acquire the features of intercultural language. Then
language, expression, man, community and social reality, they are all at the same time, means and ends, can revolutionize ...
However, our social reality is in constant motion, and crisis, and inevitably we shows that there is a need to rebuild some sense of community identity and cease to be looking for bodies Throughout its existence vanishing lines.
are currently forbidden to man (and sold) on all sides. Prevented by countless crises, to develop all this wealth of expression, taking direct impact on the ways in which we interact with others. Men
colonized everywhere, through the many instruments of domination to which we are exposed cotiadiamente ... men silenced!
It is from these ideas that start hacérsenos essential to define what we mean by community. [1]
is then that it seems suggestive to introduce the notion of community, Rousseau, that proposed in the Social Contract: Community understood as an "interweaving of autonomous subjects." [2]

Extrapolating this notion allows us to think both individually and collectively area that has all individual [3] both two necessary and important in social construction. social network composed of men who need others to "weave" of the ordinary, compose the body politic (and political).
Community which in turn reinforces individual identity, giving each one at a time a shared identity, social and political, capable of developing joint ways of expression.
community, identity and dance down a link and intercultural communication vehicle, shared language and the individual time that artistically and creatively, is able to liberate and nurture new forms of community expression.
Every man is the bearer of that change in the forms relate to another, and able to build new ways to bond with others.
we, thinking beings and bodies in motion the framers of our ways of living, human beings, who through words and movement we express ... men who are pure expressive flow.

other words, in line with the above until now, it is particularly this artistic discipline which allows us many more tools for communication with the other, as it not only binds us in a more legitimate with our self but opens huge channels of expression given to others. We are beings
build our community and our dance with others, considering that we need from others in an authentic manner, that is why we try to highlight the enormous power and importance of body language at the time of creating community ties.

Vehicle, middle and end that surely need much more training, physical and mental, of what we're used to ...

Laura B. -

[1] The notion of community, in general, it is always defined by an opposition to individuality, beyond this statement that are not nothing new is to invite us to think about some of contradictions for which to think through possible community buildings or the concept of community today.

[2] Peña Echeverria, Javier, "Rousseau and Community Policy, University Vallalar, ISEGORíA/11 1995.

[3] These spheres of man found in dance synonyms: they are termed as close spaces, and part social. Spaces must apprehend inhabit.


Anonymous said...

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