Today leading operators strive to promote their connections ADSL 10 Mbps or even higher speeds, although depending on the application that we will give our computer 1 Mbps could be more than enough.
And there is reason enough weight to consider this option, the price, as they opt for a rate of 1 Mbps we can make a monthly saving of 12 € , which means enough money throughout the year. The
upload speed is also reduced to 256 kbps, although more than acceptable speed for 95% of Internet users, for which traffic is down significantly more important than the rise .
As a promotional offer to hire the ADSL 1 Mb Kit can get the wifi router gift. But there is a more interesting alternative would be to qualify for the offer ADSL 10 MB for € 19.90 per month for the first 12 months to request a change subsequently be at 1 Mb
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