In this post we will try to collect some of the issues raised most Internet users interested in offers ADSL offering Movistar.
What types fixed ADSL offers Movistar?
Currently we can choose between modes of 1, 6 and 10 Mbps download speed. There is also a version with limited ADSL Mini Download to 2GB. Do
of permanence Movistar offers?
Indeed, offers of ADSL that offers Movistar with any type of discount (or installation fee) include a commitment to stay for 12 months (1 year).
Movistar Does ADSL flat rate includes calls?
All versions except the Mini, including free calls to landlines. Also, versions 6 and 10Mb offer free calls to phones on the weekends.
Does the price include the amount of line?
depend on the offer I've ever seen, but usually the price indicated will have to add the € 13.97 per month (+ VAT) share online.
What is the best deal offered by Movistar? While
offers are updated periodically, the typology of them do not usually vary. At present you can subscribe to versions 6 and 10Mb with an offer of 9.95 € / month for 3 months and € 19.90 per month for 9 below, to complete the 12-month stay.
Any suggestions for getting the best price?
The sale price of ADSL Movistar is usually the cheapest on the market. Once you pass the 12 months we may be able offer renewal of the offer or the economic package known as ADSL.
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