Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Do I Get Relief From Meralgia Paresthetica

Cuba Libre

Few know that my favorite drink is the Cuba Libre .

I know is what, in the previous post we discuss the news that Cuba will cut 500,000 jobs in the public sector here in the first quarter of 2011, and then would add more than 500,000 casualties.

The first impression I gave the news was that it is too crowded. One of our commentators Anonymous struck me, giving understand that he was looking through the eyes of the capitalist, the socialist world.
Far from making value judgments, and using One Cuban official statistics, I will try to show why I find totally hypocritical official position and "representatives" of employees.

statistical series are not long, but I could build a 1999 to 2009.
The unemployment rate fell sharply from the late 90's. By 1999 it stood at 6.3% of the economically active population (EAP), while late last year, was at 1.7%.

Importantly this was achieved even though the rate (number of persons belonging to the economically active population (employed + unemployed) with respect to the number of people age work (17-60 years for the unemployed and 15 and above for employees) increased from 70.2% for 1999, up 75.4% in 2009.

say, more people actively participate in the labor market while the unemployment rate (percentage of people who sought and found work in the reference period for the PEA) fell to a minimum.

For Men:

And when it comes to Women:

For now we see and what remains is where we used all these people who previously were unemployed.

Cuban employment statistics, broken down into of total employees to Cooperativitas and private (and within these past the self-employed). Residually would get the number of employees in the Public Sector

Employed in the Public Sector = Total Employed - (Cooperative + Private)

So you can see that since 2001 (no data for 2000 found ), employment in the public sector increased its relative size, going to occupy about 80% of Cuban workers, nearly 84% of the total.
That is, the public sector incorporated as much of the "new supply" of workers.

For their part, Cooperative went from representing 7.1% to 4.6% of total private and 13% to 11.7% (within them the self-employed from 3.4% to 2.8%).

So in the last decade, the Cuban public sector led the expansion of labor demand, while as shown by the news that we post to Previously, is the same government that has the power to authorize private or cooperative enterprises.

Thus, with the announced reduction in the public workforce of around 12% (and 10% of the total economy) and assuming that you can see some added worker effect (this means that when the Head of family becomes unemployed or worse one payment, it could be the case that your spouse or another member, eg. Children are also put to find work) could further increase unemployment. As we saw in the previous tables, there is still some room for more women go to seek employment.

will see the absorptive capacity of the Cuban system of work (I tried to say no "market" work), but what is observed over the past rhythm at times seems more consistent start self-criticism. Resta say who inflated the templates. Here, often we speak of "the inheritance received."

Just I was thinking about the unforgettable scene from Godfather II where Michael, just in Havana, he realizes that his brother, Fredo, had betrayed him. And everything takes place in full outbreak of the Revolution. Bueeee
do not know why I crossed that image ...

Perhaps I'm wrong. Or maybe, deep down, I am an inveterate capitalist ... or maybe Cuba is accelerating the shift in the style of policy shock.

not know why it reminds me of what was proposed by the IMF, the OECD and the G7 for the transition of Russia in the early 90'sy that flourished under President Boris Yeltsin (with a recession lasted 7 years and a fall in real per capita GDP of 24% between 1991 and 2001 and that thanks to the last recovery, and that between 1991 and 1998 was the tremendous decline of 39% *).

Time will tell ... and who is free from sin capital, pull down the arguments ...


* Based on official statistics from Goskomstat . If anyone is interested in deepening is the link of this paper Andrei Shleifer and Daniel Treisman .


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