Sunday, June 4, 2006

Should There Be A Legal Market For Selling Organs

The social right , emerges as a vindicating the right of the worker. It is after the Second World War in France produced a social revolution, there comes a socialist regime and gives the famous costituciĆ³n of 1946, followed by Italy, Germany, and property laws in social function, and 8 hours work, the right to associate, to strike, apparently in Germany had no public or private character of the right to work, BUT THAT IS A NEW GENRE OF SOCIAL LAW. So TRUEBA URBINA Mexican teacher, argues that labor law is "social rights", when referring to is vindicating the proletariat, because it was created as a generous gift denominantes class, but was conquered with blood. For all that it means the bloody history and journeys of the workers killed in the world is that labor law, establishes the highest legal principles todoas legislation in the world. Workers' Rights are inalienable, WILL VOID ANY PROVISION TO THE CONTRARY .- (Art. 4)


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