Thursday, May 8, 2008

Como Apagar Hm Em Emerald

(island of Samos, now Greece, c. 572 BC-Metaponto, now defunct, now Italy, c. 497 BC) Greek philosopher and mathematician. Dont know much of the biography of Pythagoras that can be considered reliable, as settlor of a religious sect led to the early appearance of a legendary tradition around him.

seems certain that Pythagoras was the son of Mnesarco and the first part of his life was spent in Samos, the island that probably left a few years before the implementation of the tyrant Polycrates in 522 BC It is possible to travel then Miletus to visit after Phoenicia and Egypt, in the latter country, the birthplace of esoteric knowledge, is credited with having studied the mysteries, as well as geometry and astronomy.
Some sources say that Pythagoras went to Babylon after Cambyses there to learn arithmetic and musical knowledge of the priests. There is also talk of trips to Delos, Crete and Greece before settling down, At last the famous school in Crotona, where he enjoyed considerable popularity and power.
community eventually led by Pythagoras, plausibly, to become a political force aristocratic aroused the hostility of the Democratic Party, what led a revolt that forced Pythagoras to spend the last years of his life in Metaponto.
Pythagorean community was certainly surrounded by mystery, it seems that the disciples had to wait several years before being presented to the teacher and always keep strict secrecy about lessons learned. Women could join the brotherhood, the most famous of his attached was Theano, wife Pythagoras himself perhaps the mother of a daughter and two sons of the philosopher.
Pythagoreanism was a way of life, inspired by an ascetic ideal and based on community property, whose main objective was the ritual purification (catharsis) of its members through the cultivation of knowledge in which music and mathematics played an important role. The path of this knowledge was the philosophy, a term which, according to tradition, Pythagoras was first used in its literal sense of "love of wisdom."
also attributed to Pythagoras have transformed mathematics in a liberal education by developing an abstract of their results, regardless of background material already known some of them, this is especially the case of the famous theorem that bears his name and that establishes the relationship between the sides of a triangle, a list of practical use of which there is evidence from other pre-Greek civilizations.

The effort to rise to the generality of a mathematical theorem from its implementation in a particular case exemplifies the Pythagorean method for the purification and perfection of the soul, who taught about the world and harmony under the Constitution, the universe was a cosmos, that is, an ordered set in which the heavenly bodies kept a harmonious arrangement that made their distances from each other in proportions were similar to those for the intervals of the octave. In a significant sense, the harmony was musical, but its nature was intelligible numeric type, and if all was harmony, the number turned out to be the key to everything.
The unitary will of the Pythagorean doctrine was embodied in the relationship established between the cosmic and moral order, to the Pythagoreans, the man was also a true microcosm in which the soul appeared as the harmony of the body. In this sense, medicine was understood that the function of restoring harmony the individual when it is disturbed, and, being the music instrument par excellence for the purification of the soul, considered, therefore, as a medicine for the body. Pythagoras preached holiness involved a range of hygiene regulations based on taboos such as the prohibition of eating animals, which seems to have been directly connected with the belief in the transmigration of souls, it is said that Pythagoras himself claimed to be the son of Hermes, and that his disciples saw it as an incarnation of Apollo.


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