Thursday, May 8, 2008

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Antoine Laurent Lavoisier

French chemist and father of modern chemistry, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier was a brilliant experimenter and multi-faceted genius, active in both science and public affairs. Developing a new theory of combustion was complete with the doctrine of phlogiston, which had dominated chemistry course for more than a century. His fundamental studies of oxidation showed the role of oxygen in chemical processes and quantitatively showed the similarity between oxidation and respiration. Formulated the principle of conservation of mass in chemical reactions. Clarified the distinction between elements and compounds and was instrumental in the design of a modern system of chemical nomenclature. Lavoisier was a scientific first models to introduce quantitative procedures in chemical research.
1743 Lavoisier was born in Paris. His father, a lawyer and parliamentary adviser gives an excellent education at the Collège Mazarin, where he received training ciencias.1764 classic and received his license to practice law. His restless mind, however, inclines to the ciencia.1765 receive the Gold Medal of the Academy of Sciences for an essay on the best way to light a city. Among his early works are articles on the Aurora Borealis, and the composition of the cast. Guettarda J.-E. geologist helped to prepare the atlas minaralógico of Francia.1768 is admitted to the French Academy as a chemist assistant for an article on analysis of water samples. He went through all grades of the academic structure and became director in 1785 and named assistant treasurer in 1791.Es one of the departments of government tax collectors and then member holder in the middle of the Ferme Générale, the lead agency impuestos.1770 catcher became famous to refute the belief that the earth becomes water by repeated distillation. To carefully weigh the solid residue and the distillation apparatus showed that the solid matter from the container and not agua.1771 Paulze He married Marie, who assist him in his work with illustrations of his experiments, recording the results and translations English scientific articles. 1772 His father bought him a title of nobility as the rich bourgeois practice. In November a sealed note deposited at the Academy of Sciences stating that sulfur and phosphorus gain weight when they burn because they absorb "air" 1773 published his first book, booklet chimiques et physiques (physical and chemical Booklets where he presented results of his reading and his experiments. That year, Joseph Priestley prepared "dephlogisticated air (oxygen ) to heat the "red precipitate of mercury (mercuric oxide, cinnabar). Lavoisier confirmed this work and to see that in combustion and calcination of metals only used a portion of the air, concluded that the active agent was the new" air "Priestley that was absorbed by burning and the" non-vital air "(nitrogen). showed that combining this" air "coal produced" fixed air " (Carbon dioxide) obtained by Joseph Black in 1754.1775 is named as regisseur des poudres (managing director of gunpowder). With his usual energy, he devoted himself to improving the chaotic fireworks industry. This gave him the opportunity to move to Arsenal in Paris where he set up a superb laboratorio.1777 In a report submitted to the Academy, read in 1779 but not published until 1781 Lavoisier gave the "air dephlogisticated" the name of oxygen or "producer acid. " He explained combustion as the result of the release of a hypothetical principle of fire, phlogiston, but the result of the combination of burning and substance oxígeno.1783 Academy announced that water is the product of the combination of hydrogen ("inflammable air" that the English chemist Henry Cavendish had empleado.1785 is appointed to the Cabinet Committee on Agriculture and as his secretary wrote reports and instructions on cultivation and several schemes agrícolas.1786 Post a brilliant attack on the theory of flogisto.1787 With a group of French chemists, publishes the Méthode de nomenclature chimique (Method of Chemical Nomenclature) that classified and renamed the elements and compounds known. As a landowner in Orleans Province, Lavoisier was elected assembly member provincial.1788 With others, establishes the Annales de chimie (chemistry reports) a journal dedicated to the new chemistry. 1789 published his Traité élémentaire de chimie (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry) provides an accurate account of his work and introduces a new approach to chemistry. Those substances defined as items that can not be broken. Clearly established law of conservation of mass in chemical reactions. Nothing, he said, is created or destroyed, there is only alterations and modifications and there are just as-a-equation of mass before and after release operación.Como and political reformer, Lavoisier took part in the French Revolution. When the States-General met, was Deputy alternate and drafted a code of instructions to guide the diputados.1790 Appointed secretary and treasurer of the committee to ensure uniformity of weights and measures throughout France, work that led to the establishment of the system métrico.1791 Ferme Générale was abolished and Lavoisier lost his position with gunpowder manager and had to leave Arsenal. Jean Paul Marat as acusó.1793 began the Reign of Terror. Was deleted Academy of Sciences. It ordered the arrest of former members of the Ferme Générale.1794 After a trial that lasted less than a day, a revolutionary tribunal condemned Lavoisier and 27 others to death. That afternoon, he and his companions, including his father, were guillotined in the Place de la Révolution (now Place de la Concorde). His body was thrown into a mass grave.


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