Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Putty Hill Skateland Costs

My humble tribute to Nestor

remember being part of those who voted in Nestor in 2003.
The beginning of his administration really had restored our hopes that Argentina could return to being that great nation dream: to justice social, where employment and education were the guides to achieve our goals ever so neglected.

After the departure of Lavagna's Mecon and went with some other issues not fully its mandate. However, I think most shows gave us the great Nestor was that it is possible to have a country with greater autonomy for state policies .

Thus, the other flags Peronist political sovereignty economic independence, I think he expressed during his administration (and Cristina) in a tremendously superior to what we observed previously from the back democracy.

I read many posts and comments that call to defend our President. While I fully agree that we have to accompany her, mainly because it should be a time of great sorrow for her and her family, I believe that NOT to continue raising the issue as if it were a battle in which this government is at stake . We have to get as part of our past and we must strengthen the institutions of democracy.

Anyway, I propose that we consider there media, politicians, businessmen and lobbyists in general, seeking to destabilize governments or at least pressure them to give them what they want in exchange for his "friendship", you must defeat them in their territory. It is the only way to find a definitive solution.

The daily lying, do not buy it.

Al channel crap happens all day, do not watch it.

politician selling his whole life lies, do not vote for him.

The entrepreneur who thinks only of its guarantee their profits regardless of how living society, do not buy their products.

and rows ..

is true that a solution may seem very market. But democracy is also depicted as a market of candidates and voters. And finally, once the votes are counted, there is a certain carve a market oligopoly few voters between political parties or candidates.

To leave no issue, these few lines is the wanted to dedicate to this great leader and the best ex-president who took our country since the return of democracy.

Although I have not shared many things, I think it's time to lay the foundation for their achievements.

Surely our Argentina, for a long time, I will miss.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Images Of Herpes Under The Nose

82% mobile and Justice or Bogas

seems that today the question of economists is to get the mask of Disenchantment and scientists everywhere talk about why you can not afford this, why not what .

All very nice, but what is most unfair? I-Match

who brought their entire life and unfortunately have their share the least with those who did not provide before. Ii-Match

all retirees with having at least below the poverty line.

iii-Establish a basket and place for retirees to have at least or exceeding the value of the same.

MY opinion:
i-The gobieno I felt something right. Me too.

ii-Represents the baseness of the absence of values \u200b\u200bof a society. If you also combine it with the i, the guy who gave his life that is left with no hate to anyone who applies. Iii-Proposal

overcomes difficult to apply as a matter of law. But if the laws of the pension system do not work, we hope to change? And if not why not amend the Constitution?

Greetings, MI

Friday, October 8, 2010

Misdiagnosis Graves Disease Bipolar

Economists? Reloaded!

After the failed coup in Ecuador, I got the concern to see the economic development of some Latin American countries in recent years, were chaired by economists.

currently is an issue that has some relevance for example. in Brazil, because the candidate to succeed Lula and the Workers Party, Dilma Rousseff, is also professed Disenchantment and Science and won the first round, but not quite enough to prevent ballottage.

The first case bring on stage is that of Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon in Mexico (ruled since late 1994 to late 2000). His government begins with a sharp depreciation of the peso of more than 110% (in the style Duhalde) and a deep crisis in 1995 (the Tequila Crisis).

Regarding unemployment, Mexico appears to be the darling of the last two decades with rates below 5% of the PEA (except for 1995 that exceeded mildly).

Between July 2001 and December 2006, Peru had as President Alejandro Toledo Manrique. Evolution unemployment in Peru is quite surprising: during the last 2 decades had rates below 10% of the EAP as well as Chile.

The trasandinos, when it comes to economic growth, was the country most regular of the sample. Remember that Ricardo Lagos (president from March 2000 to March 2006) is an economist and lawyer as well (would be the most completito of the sample). In the last two decades Chile showed a steady growth reaching an average rate of 5% per annum for 1990-2009, which in the past 10 years slowed going to be about 3.7% between 2000 and 2009.

However, in this first decade of S. XXI, the country grew stronger in the 5 that we consider was Peru at an average rate of 5.1%. What is Ecuador at an average rate of 4.5% annually. In this country, as we did in the previous post , president since 2006, Rafael Correa, is also Economist (next time I leave for a further analysis of data on its mandate).

In Argentina, Cachanosky opened the debate on the Presidents lawyers and their implication in economic terms. Orlando J. Ferreres had previously shown that the majority of Argentine presidents were lawyers and in no case was found occupying the armchair economist Rivadavia.

Cacha worried about the logical inconsistency implies that "all of whom are lawyers, the Argentine economic problem has been caused by the absence of an adequate institutional framework for economic growth" . K
Governments would contradict that assertion.

was still Grip: "It is curious that so many presidents have been lawyers, one of our fundamental problems is the low quality on respect for property rights, lack of stability in the rules of play and lack of limits on the Executive can not change those rules that should be stable over time. "

At first glance, Kirchner policies (with the initial impetus Duhalde) show a very important performance in terms of economic growth, combating unemployment and the abolition of poverty. However, the lack of a policy income working on a somewhat more distant horizon and based on a social pact, is undermining inflation through many of the achievements of his administration.
regard, Luciano Cohan few days ago showed us how it could have impacted inflation in poverty and destitution in our country after incorporation of the AUH (it says "could have" and no "hit" because the well-known problem with statistics officers).

But remember also that under the government of Nestor Kirchner, with the restructuring of debt, coupled with high economic growth, helped to substantially reduce the stock External Debt / GDP (in the case of graphic bn: Gross National Income) to be at a level more in line with those of other countries in the region.
the early 90's, Ecuador was the most indebted country with the outside measured in terms of its production. However, unlike the Argentine case, they started out of debt in the decade.

In short, you can not draw many conclusions. Of course it would be too foolish to believe that bear resemblance Economists and hence policies for them to be used where presidents have similar traits.

However, what is clear is that for a country to grow up really needs to be agreed among all players regardless of their professions.
Cacha went something like: " Perhaps we should explore the possibility of long-term public policies that allow us to grow based on interdisciplinary studies that lawyers, economists, philosophers, historians, political scientists and educators, cite some cases, can establish a consistent institutional order. "

But in the end, I am not referring only to production growth, but growth that allows people to stop being poor, they do not have to allow more than the poverty measure, not because bureaucrats decided to turn simply delete it from their fanciful measurements, but because before then we are building together a more just country. A country where being rich does not imply that many others have to be poor. Perhaps then we will not worry so much insecurity.

reflection I would like to share is that, while demagogues always remain shielded behind the poverty and marginalization, I have no other Advocates say that many economists have already demonstrated and as the uncompromising defense of private property, especially when it is excessive in amount and even in countries totally impoverished children starving in the streets asking for coins and scavenging to consume the leftovers of the wealthy, ends justify the unjustifiable: the condemnation of the market to kids that they happened to be born into poverty.

In my opinion, no longer needed from our government advocates the rights of the haves. Do not even need those who can show that respect for the rights of private property will bring to the long growth investment, improvements in employment, poverty reduction. And you know why? Not only because in the long run we are all dead, but is also an hijaputez not realize that the current condition, the consequences of what happens in the short term, may lead to the life of a lot of people is marked with fire by the greed of some and the long-term theories of others.

The solution seems so complex and simple: you simply need people to think how to get all be rich, but first achieved the sooner one is poor. And in this, no time to lose ...


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Best Concealer From Everyday Minerals

Hello dear readers, we've had this very neglected area, but we are again returning to it to keep them aware of interesting and mostly new discoveries. We just leave our Expociencia 2010 here in the city of Xalapa, which we will be giving details in the next inning, they get a little talk about the winning projects at the Expo Science International and the National Expociencia!

Without further ado the I leave you with this note that I became very interesting because we are trying to copy what nature does to improve our processes alone, in this case the capture of sunlight.

One problem with the collection of sunlight is that the sun's rays can be very destructive to many materials. Sunlight causes a gradual deterioration of many systems developed to capture and use of that light. In contrast, plants have taken a very interesting strategy to solve this problem: Time and again break the molecules they use to capture light and remade from scratch, so that the basic structures to capture energy solar are, in fact, always new. A full sun on a summer day, each leaf of a tree recycles its proteins approximately every 45 minutes.

That process has now been imitated by the team of Michael Strano, professor of chemical engineering. These researchers have developed an innovative set of self-assembling molecules and capable of converting sunlight into electricity. These molecules are disassembled and then reassembled quickly, as many times as you want. To do this, just add or remove a solution especial.El system produced by Strano's team consists of seven different compounds, including carbon nanotubes phospholipids and proteins that constitute the reaction centers. Under the right conditions, the components spontaneously assemble into a structure capable of capturing the light to current conversion eléctrica.Cuando a surfactant, similar in its fundamentals to chemicals that BP has been used in the Gulf of Mexico to break oil is added to the mix, the seven components separate and form a solution with a consistency similar to a soup. When the researchers removed the surfactant by passing the solution through a special membrane, the compounds are reassembled spontaneously into a perfectly structured photocell and also rejuvenated.

For more information visit: