Sunday, December 20, 2009

Acoustic Solutions Tv 2


J. Neftaly Cruz Mireles. Universidad Veracruzana.
Faculty of Biology - Xalapa.

In recent years, have developed techniques that have helped to address the analysis and manipulation of DNA in a way unimaginable. This set of techniques known as recombinant DNA technology "or" Genetic Engineering. " Among other things, this science allows the extraction of DNA belonging to a biological taxon and put it in another, for example, in nature a fish and a tomato can not be crossed, but in the laboratory it is possible to remove fish and place genes in tomato plants by creating a completely new body. One of the contributions of this scientific discipline to humanity are "Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or" transgenic. "

Since the 1980's, became a reality the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing genes into animals and plants. An animal or plant that incorporates new genetic information, by adding foreign DNA, is called "transgenic" and incorporated the gene is called a "transgene." GM foods are those that were produced from of genetically modified organisms. Currently, food have a greater presence from transgenic plants such as corn, soybeans or barley.

Improved species used in the feed has been performed since ancient times. There is evidence that already in the 12.000 and 4.000 a. C. genetic improvements were made in plants, however, this was done indirectly through crosses between plants to improve. This is what is known as classic or traditional breeding.

Among the most frequently mentioned benefits of GM foods are the introduction of new quality features (eg, tomatoes or ears larger corn), the use of these foods in nutrition and health (for example, with the inclusion of vitamins in foods and vaccines); and crop resistance to pests, thus reducing production losses and the use of insecticides. Thus, the cost of a GM crop production are very low, the product quality is higher and environmental impact through the use of chemicals is lower.

However, until now there is no conclusive study that claims that GM food consumption does not affect human health in the long term. What is clear is that GM crops can interbreed in nature with native species of plants, which could result in loss of these and the emergence of new species with unknown characteristics.

The controversy over GM food consumption still continues. However, it is a reality that is found in our daily food intake. Urgently needed in our country the existence of a legal framework that regulates the production of genetically modified organisms, that to exploit its benefits and minimize possible risks.


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