Sunday, June 4, 2006

Gatsby Hairwax, Calgary


To conclude an employment contract need to know who can be hired, either as workers and employers;
As workers,


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are able to conclude contracts and in court, all persons over 18 rule, and the exception is for minors between fourteen and eighteen years may also employ, as may be authorized by their legal representatives or by the labor authorities. Married women may also, without authority of the husband. (Art. 34)
As employers, also are able to conclude contracts and working trials all seniors and are authorized to represent the company and enter into contracts and to appear at the trials, managers, directors, managers, ship captains, and in general people who exercise management or administrative functions in the company, even without written permission or sufficient. This broad power to represent the company is called employer solidarity that is characteristic of the labor law. To realize better the difference should be noted that at common law, when it comes to sue a company anonymous, is to find out which person is legally, according, according to its statutes. In the workplace, you may sue the legal representative and the worker's immediate superior, or administrator, or principal, because all the law gives them the quality of legal representatives to meet work obligations.
This is obviously a benefit to the worker therefore saves the risk that a trial is invalid because the defendant had not exactly the person of the representative of the company.